Investor testimonials
Pathfinder Development pay attention to operational details, quality, and the guest experience, they ‘get it’ when it comes to the critical importance of sales. They understand the fundamental principle that 'without sufficient sales, there is nothing to operate.’ They invest more time and money in finding and managing revenue streams than any other client I have worked with, and there have been many.
Because of the character and the high level of industry and business intelligence that Pathfinder's Executives offer, I firmly believe that hiring or working with Pathfinder on a regular basis (as I have for 5 years) is a prudent business decision.
Ed Iannarella, CHO
President, Stonehenge Consulting Group
“As Economic Development Director for the City of Webster, there is no greater pleasure or privilege than to work with a company from the ground up to share in its unprecedented success. It is great people who make great companies—and the story of Staybridge Suites, located at 501 West Texas Avenue, is a case in point. I had the opportunity to work with Pathfinder Development in the planning stages for this premier hotel—through the new construction stage—and now—the sixth anniversary of one of the most successful hotels not only in Webster but also in the region.”